12 Blackpool and Fylde Coast schools came together to showcase their STEM ideas to ensure a brighter future for the Fylde Coast whilst undertaking other STEM-based activities. Each school had been working on their projects, as part of their ENTHUSE Partnerships, to solve a problem that will face residents of the Fylde Coast in the future. This year, the focus was on powering the Illuminations with alternative methods. Pupils from the schools worked in teams to plan a presentation around their solution which was judged by STEM Ambassadors and teachers from the other schools.

At the event held on Friday, 110 pupils aged from 6-14 took part in a variety of STEM Challenges; designing and building a slower coaster, constructing a wheelbarrow to transport water, running the nuclear simulator room and manufacturing a copper heart.  All pupils were treated to a Science Show presented by Professor Pumpernickel. The event was great fun for all with many pupils leaving further engaged within the industry and inspired, by the vast range of jobs that STEM could lead them into. The overall quality of the presentations was exceptional. Pupils spoke passionately about the problems their town faces and showcased their innovative solutions

 A pupil from Roseacre Primary School took the top prize with pupils from Armfield Academy and Hawes Side Academy being close runners-up. The event was funded through the enthuse partnerships, provided by STEM Learning and supported by Lancashire and Cumbria Science Learning Partnership, an education charity funded by the Department for Education to engage and inspire our next generation of STEM employees. Blackpool and Fylde, Lancashire Energy HQ very kindly hosted the event and funded fantastic goody bags to put their copper heart in.

Kim Swift, Science Learning Partnership Lead, Lancashire and Cumbria, said: “The event at Lancashire Energy HQ, allowed schools to focus on a challenge to fix an issue in the future of the Fylde Coast. The results and work the schools put in was truly inspiring, pupils use science, creativity and team work to come up with some fantastic projects making me confident that we are in safe hands. It was a pleasure to run the event alongside Louise Hall, Head of Science from Armfield Academy”.

Louise Hall, Head of Science, Armfield Academy, said: “As a school and wider partnership, we are very grateful to STEM learning for all the enrichment and opportunities which they have provided us. To raise the profile of STEM based subjects not just in our school but across the Fylde Coast has been fantastic. All participants on the day had a wonderful time and the atmosphere on the day was phenomenal. Hearing students discuss with confidence how their project will help the town, demonstrated the time and understanding which had gone into their projects. Having the opportunity to work with other schools (within and outside our trust), a vision to pull together so many different schools and all this becoming reality has been a highlight of the last 12 months. We look forward to working with partner schools moving forward and hope to hold a similar event in the near future.”